Bespoke Health and Wellbeing using DNA Analysis

Founded by Dr Jill Crowfoot
Begin Your Health Journey
About Renude Health

A Holistic and Scientific Approach to Health Optimisation

Welcome to the next chapter in your health journey! Renude Health was founded by Dr. Jill Crowfoot, a GP and women’s health specialist, working with a select group of highly skilled nutritionists trained in nutrigenomics.

Throughout her career, Dr Jill has always been keen to explore the root causes of health conditions instead of focusing on an illness and symptoms in isolation: one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to your health. Based on her extensive experience and work in women’s health, Dr Jill created Renude Health to explore the underlying causes of health concerns and to promote a holistic approach to optimise health and wellbeing.

At Renude Health we look at your DNA (obtained using a saliva swab), in conjunction with your medical history and symptoms, to develop strategies based on a personalised nutritional approach – nutrigenomics – to improve your health and wellbeing.

For those who continue to struggle to feel better despite their best efforts, nutrigenomics may be the answer. DNA provides all the information needed to inform us about our genetic predispositions. Nutrigenomics is at the forefront of this process because it allows us to see how nutrition can optimise your DNA functions. Your full report, analysis, and consultation will provide answers rooted in your DNA to explain why you may have been suffering, and we will offer you nutritional and lifestyle solutions. However, you don’t need to wait until you’re suffering; knowing your DNA will allow you to optimise your future health and prevent illness.

our services

We Treat the Whole Person

We offer DNA testing that’s accompanied by an expert consultation.

The science of DNA is sound, and it’s only recently we’ve been able to tap into that part of our physiology and apply this knowledge to wellness. All the genes that we test for can be optimised through nutrition and lifestyle, a speciality called Nutrigenomics. Let’s start putting the pieces of the jigsaw together and optimise your health.

Identify your symptoms, medical condition or health goal from these categories and choose the best package for you.

General Female Health






General Health


Men’s Health


Healthy Aging


Can’t Decide Where to Start?

Take the first step on your optimised health journey with our Discovery Questionnaire. This option is ideal for those people who might still have questions on the best package for them.

Our Questionnaire will be emailed to you to complete. Once received, Dr Jill will analyse your responses and advise you on the best package options based on your symptoms or health goals.

Book a Discovery Questionnaire

A Step-by-Step Guide

Booking your package is the first step towards a new, healthier you.

1. Select your package and schedule your consultation

Your kit will be sent to you in the post, typically within 3-5 days. Your scheduled report analysis with Dr Jill will be in 6-8 weeks’ time.

2. Collect your saliva sample and return the health questionnaire

You will be sent clear instructions with the kit and it is easy to return via post using the paid envelope provided. Also, remember to complete your health questionnaire and email it back to us.

3. Log in to your pre-booked online consultation

Talk through your report analysis with Dr. Jill who will be able to offer you a personalised nutritional and lifestyle plan based on your report results. These results and notes from your consultation will be e-mailed to you to keep for reference.


Hear our client’s own experiences

Dr Crowfoot’s advice following my DNA profiling has been life changing. I was suffering from unstable angina that had cardiologists stumped. I had numerous invasive investigations and scans that were unsuccessful in diagnosing an issue. I was placed on cardiac drugs that had very little effect in controlling the chest pain. After undergoing DNA analysis with Renude Health, Dr Crowfoot picked up that I was unable to convert T4 to T3 effectively, meaning that the T4 I was taking was building up in my system making me thyrotoxic. This resulted in cardiac arrhythmias. With this knowledge and the assistance of an Endocrinologist I am currently symptom free. Thank you Dr Crowfoot!

Rachel, aged 49

Back in 2021 I sadly lost my sister to Pancreatic cancer aged 56. My Mum died of lung cancer and my Dad died with vascular dementia, having had a triple heart bypass aged 47. My brother had colon cancer aged 54. I began to ask myself some questions; lifestyle/genetics or both? When a friend told me about Renude Health’s work it seemed like a no brainer. Jill is very knowledgeable and passionate about prevention and understanding how to help families make the most of what they’ve been dealt, to hopefully not repeat familiar patterns, extend lives and be healthy and thriving in the process. Jill’s down to earth approach makes what can be for many overwhelming, easy to understand and relatable.

Casey & Family, ages 56, 55, 27, 25, 23

I am very proactive about my health and well-being but since peri-menopause found I just didn’t feel ‘right’ despite taking HRT, upping my exercise significantly and eating fairly well. Since having my reports done with Renude Health I have tweaked my diet, am taking some key supplements and am focused on exercising based on my DNA (lots of walking, strength and flexibility). My mental health feels significantly better, and I feel like I ‘know/understand’ me now much better than I ever have. Dr Jill is so easy to talk to, she explains things in plain English and you really feel that she wants the best for you! I would recommend to anyone who wants to take back control of their health and wellbeing.

Louise, aged 46

Renude Health has provided a valuable insight into my health and wellbeing. The help and support from the whole team made the process seamless; from deciding which reports would be most beneficial, through to where I can find the best supplements to improve any problem areas. The feedback was tailored to provide possible explanations for day-to-day issues I experience (like fatigue) and provide solutions. It was extremely helpful that these reports also provided insights to help later in life with pregnancy and menopause. For me this is key to know what I can do to help keep as fit and healthy as possible during these periods of high stress for the body.

Charlotte, aged 25

Although I had no symptoms, I do have a family history of heart disease. Having lost my father and my grandfather aged 67, I was conscious that potential genetic issues could run in my family. After completing a health questionnaire, the best reports for my background were advised and the test quickly arrived. The results revealed I was potentially on the same rocky road. To understand how your body functions and the best way to treat yourself is such a powerful tool. A mixture of supplements and dietary adjustments, known as my ‘life extenders’, will give me an advantage I wish my father could have had. I only wish I had this information when I was younger.

Rob, aged 55

I approached Renude Health having happily been on HRT for the past 4 years. The majority of my menopausal issues had improved but there were still some underlying symptoms such as brain fog, bad eating habits and general aches and pains I couldn’t explain. The DNA reports and subsequent analysis explained why I had been left with these symptoms. As a result of Dr Jill’s recommended dietary adjustments alongside some supplements, I am now delighted that those symptoms have dissipated.

Sian, aged 53

I recently had DNA genetic testing with Renude Health, covering Methylation, Hormones, Nervous system, Nutrient Core, and Metabolics. I sought help for heavy periods and severe PMS and was impressed by the quick results, detailed insights, and Dr Jill's clear explanations. The team were professional and approachable, providing practical recommendations that have improved my well-being. I wholeheartedly recommend Renude Health to people of all ages, including the younger generation for a healthier future.

Molly, aged 23

I really appreciate the insight provided by DNA testing and the considerable time taken by Dr Jill in explaining the complexities and recommending the varied lifestyle interventions I can make to age well. I'm healthy (relatively), fit and active but have struggled with the menopause and work-related stress, I now have the understanding to take back control and optimise my health.  Ageing is inevitable but it's reassuring to know that we can all make changes to live both longer and better. Thank you!

Cathy, aged 53

I approached Renude Health having happily been on HRT for the past 4 years. The majority of my menopausal issues had improved but there were still some underlying symptoms such as brain fog, bad eating habits and general aches and pains I couldn’t explain. The DNA reports and subsequent analysis explained why I had been left with these symptoms. As a result of Dr Jill’s recommended dietary adjustments alongside some supplements, I am now delighted that those symptoms have dissipated.

Sian, aged 53