
Meet Dr Jill Crowfoot


Dr Jill Crowfoot


I graduated from the University of Birmingham Medical School, and for the last 20 years, I combined working at a small GP practice in Warwickshire with a specialist interest in women’s health. I am a mum to three children and love nothing more than making memories with them, my husband, our Springer Spaniel Coco, and my friends. In any free time I have, I enjoy outdoor activities and yoga.

I find being a doctor an absolute privilege and, like most doctors, I always aim to help people improve their health. What has become more apparent over the years in orthodox medical teaching is that we are taught to treat illness largely through the pharmaceutical industry—a practice tantamount to sticking a plaster on it. Working in general practice, I have a personal interest in women’s health and have observed how many women experienced differing symptoms of menopause. Over the last five years, I have worked more extensively in women’s health and menopause where I have seen these differing symptoms are indeed trends in the wider population of menopausal and perimenopausal women. I was determined to discover why some women experience worsening health and symptoms at this stage in their life and/or don’t respond favourably or as well as other women to HRT.

My research led me to nutrigenomics, which, for me, pulled all the pieces of the jigsaw together. To be able to offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle solutions based on a person’s individual DNA is the ultimate deep dive—getting right to the root cause of current illnesses and encouraging illness prevention.

By following this holistic pathway alongside pharmaceuticals when needed, the results and improvements in my menopausal patients confirmed my hypotheses. Many health conditions are caused by changes to DNA expression, and beyond menopausal women, I aim to treat a range of health conditions by encouraging proactive wellness, and by enacting nutritional and lifestyle solutions which can restore your unique DNA expression from the damage caused by environmental factors. Knowledge is powerful. When knowledge is in the hands of motivated people, nothing will stop them from achieving their wellness goals.