
Our Mission

What We Strive to Achieve

  • Discover and address the root cause of your health concerns

  • Optimise health and healing informed by your genetic code

  • Provide knowledge to help you take control of your health and body

  • Treat the whole person, not just the symptoms

  • Support healthy ageing with nutritional and lifestyle changes

  • Establish a blueprint to guide healthy choices at any age or stage of life

Our Purpose : Your Health

Our Ambitions & Aspirations

Your DNA never changes, but your susceptibility to certain illnesses or hormonal changes can be affected at any time. The contents of our reports will always be there for you to reflect upon as you move through different stages of your life.

Many of our clients tell us that, despite feeling consistently unwell, they have had all kinds of tests and been told by their GP that everything is normal. Some clients feel they are an anomaly when tests come back “normal”. How could being “normal” feel so bad?

Alternatively, some clients are fit and well but want to remain that way as long as possible to enjoy life and continue doing the things they love.

Our ultimate goal is for people to feel the benefit of having knowledge about their genetic tendencies. This will enable them to take control and have the joy of proactively optimising wellness rather than chasing symptoms. This approach has never been more relevant than it is today. Environmental pollutants, food additives, the household and cosmetic products we use, and even the clothes we wear can all affect our DNA.

At Renude Health, we give motivated people the knowledge to choose a lifestyle and diet to optimise their health and wellbeing, now and in the future.