
The Renude Approach

Why us?

Take control of your future

Knowledge is Power. The genetic tendencies affecting your health and wellbeing can easily be optimised with nutritional and lifestyle adjustments. It’s often that simple! DNA doesn’t change; tests can be done at any age, helping you make optimal choices for your future health. At Renude Health you can search for answers based on your health category, any symptoms you are experiencing, or health and wellness goals you may have.

Healthy Aging

We can’t stop the hands of time, but we can help you age well—without the 15-year decline in health that is so common today. Allowing our bodies to be metabolically flexible reduces our risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and improves our chances of ageing well. Our reports inform you how to accomplish this based on your unique genetic makeup.

Highly Specialised DNA Analysis

We use a UK-based DNA-mapping company, Lifecode Gx, to provide personalised reports on DNA variances (SNPs) that dietary and lifestyle changes can positively impact. There are no ‘scary’ diagnoses here—we do not test for cancer risk or other genetic diseases; your information is never stored or shared. All your personal information is destroyed five months after issue to ensure your privacy (but you will always have your own reports and consultation notes).

Unsticking the Plaster

Fed up with conventional medicine that only treats symptoms? Discover which DNA packages suit you by aligning your choices to symptoms, medical conditions, or wellness goals to adopt a more holistic approach. If you are unsure where to start, take our discovery questionnaire to help you decide which reports are best for you.

Root Cause

All your NHS tests say you’re “normal”, but you know that is not quite right. Knowing your DNA predispositions allows you to put the jigsaw pieces together. Simple lifestyle and dietary changes will improve your symptoms, and life will become much sweeter.

The Ultimate Health MOT

The Renude team is twofold. A medical professional with extensive knowledge and experience will analyse your DNA reports, and then, highly-trained nutritionists experienced in nutrigenomics will identify potential risk factors, often before signs or symptoms appear. Working together, your Renude team provides a truly holistic approach to health and wellness. Nutrigenomics is the future of health.