
The Science Bit

What is Nutrigenomics ?


Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between our genes (DNA) and our diet and environment. It is an evolving specialist area that enables us to offer a preventative, personalised and proactive approach to health. It’s a field dedicated to preventing disease and personalising wellness plans.

A key aspect of nutrigenomics is our DNA. Our DNA is what makes us unique. Every person’s genome is around 99.9% the same as everyone else’s—it is the 0.1% that makes you you. This 0.1% variation among humans determines things like our eye or hair colour, but can also influence how susceptible we are to developing certain diseases, as our DNA contains the instructions to build and repair our bodies. Whilst your genetic code is fixed and doesn't change, your gene expression (how your body's genetic makeup responds to external stimuli) can be affected both positively and negatively by diet, lifestyle, and the environment.

Due to the uniqueness of our DNA, even slight variations on our genes (called SNPS) can influence our susceptibility to certain illnesses and health challenges. Whilst one gene variant alone can make a difference, it is often a combination or interplay of many SNPS that can ultimately lead to the onset of chronic diseases. That’s why some people suffer from more anxiety in the same situation as others, some people experience migraines and others never will, and some struggle to lose weight or are intolerant of foods. This is where nutrigenomics comes in. By understanding our genetic makeup, we can pinpoint potential health risks and make more informed lifestyle choices. Nutrigenomics also highlights the importance of nutrition in our overall health and wellbeing because of its impact on our gene expression. By identifying which nutrients work best for our bodies, we can optimise our diet to suit our individual needs.

The joy of nutrigenomics is that you don’t have to be ill to see how you can live your best life. Your test results will show your potential for health conditions and/or how your body will likely respond to certain nutrients. Food is needed to sustain life, but not all foods suit all individuals. Nutrigenomics allows you to ensure the diet you choose is the best for you. One person’s superfood could well be another person’s poison.

Remember, just because we may have a genetic predisposition to specific health conditions does not mean they are inevitable. By harnessing the power of nutrigenomics, we can take control of our health and live our best lives.

An Analogy…

Imagine a vinyl record where the grooves engrained on the vinyl produce a specific song. Your body is like this vinyl record, and the grooves are an analogy for your personal DNA. Once the vinyl record is made, the grooves of the record do not change. In the same way, once you are born your DNA does not change. As time progresses your vinyl record may get scratched, exposed to too much sunlight, or more generally not looked after properly: the same happens to our bodies. Exposure to these different factors can affect the grooves of the record and lead to a subtly different version of the original song. If these exposures persist, the song changes and may become unpleasant to listen to. This is where nutrigenomics comes in: acknowledging these external factors which are impacting your DNA (the grooves of your vinyl record) means you can adjust your lifestyle and nutrition to avoid these damaging factors and replenish any depleted nutrients. Just as vinyl records can be ‘digitally remastered’ to restore them to their original state, nutrigenomics can do the same for your DNA. With nutrigenomics, your tune will keep on playing strong!

Unlike many functional tests in medicine or nutrition which are a snapshot in time, your DNA is with you for life, so your results will be as relevant in 30 years’ time as they are today.