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Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

Human life expectancy is increasing, but those extra years might not be enjoyable if you’re not feeling 100%. No matter how long you grace the earth, your quality of life is most important. Living longer isn’t much comfort if we can’t do the things we love.

Living well is about the quality of one’s life and disease-free longevity. A long, healthier life is possible for almost anyone by incorporating a few lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise.

Although many of us live well, eat well, and stay active, these alone don’t always equate to feeling our best. With your DNA profile as a roadmap, we will develop a personalised plan just for you, enabling you to achieve your wellness goals, relieve unexplained symptoms, and lead fulfilling lives at any age.

Growing old is inevitable but the hope is that we will age well and be as free of disease and illness for as long as we can. We know that eating well, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and only drinking alcohol in moderation will give us the best chance of achieving this, but some people (despite their best efforts) are up against it with a family history of illness or weight issues. Our health service treats illness but doesn’t necessarily promote wellbeing, the fact that you feel well but are wanting to be proactive towards your health is surely the way forward. A family history of Cancer, Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes or Autoimmune conditions including Insulin-dependent Diabetes, Coeliac Disease, or Rheumatoid Arthritis, can mean that you may have some gene tendencies that, if triggered by your environment, could potentially lead you down the same road despite your best efforts. Knowing you have these tendencies means you can choose a diet and lifestyle that could cause the least impact on these gene tendencies. Knowledge is powerful and gives you choices.

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The wonder of nutrigenomics is that we can tailor make specific diets based on our own individual genetics. Most people will benefit from a ketogenic diet some of the time, as it puts the body into repair mode. The ketogenic (keto) diet, otherwise known as a ‘fasting mimicking diet’, involves eating a very low carbohydrate ( <5%) and high fat ( >70%) diet the remainder being protein and fibre. The idea of the diet is to induce a process called ketogenesis in the body. Ketogenesis is when the body starts to burn fat stores to produce energy which can also mean quick weight loss for some people. Aside from weight loss, a keto diet can offer brain clarity, energy, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. It works by supporting the power packs of our cells, the mitochondria and also by signalling longevity pathways. It’s health benefits are known to help neurological conditions, prevention and support during treatment of cancer and healthy ageing. Ketogenic diets maybe a good idea if you are more genetically prone to be insulin resistant as it improves insulin sensitivity. However, it’s not suitable for everybody all of the time.

Knowing your genetic tendencies and therefore finding out how easy it would be for you to achieve ketosis, or indeed what you would need to do to achieve it, could allow you to repair your body. Ultimately giving you more energy and improving longevity.

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Don’t worry, we know this is a financial investment and we are more than happy to give advice. You can complete a Discovery Questionnaire, and should you proceed with any of our suggested reports within 3 months, we will deduct half of the cost (£100) from your order.

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